Printed using ESUN PETG Black
@Cirahn_1110903 Nice, I like the color. Now if you want, you can print a "Bling Ring" in Black and match your wall.
These are really nice and have a tight lockup to the HSW. I keep empty spools on hand for winding non BL filament and this is a perfect way to store them. Thanks for sharing.
@Melbo Prints look great, nice wall! Really glad you like them.
Very clean to slice and print.
Had to use a 3mm brim, but no support material.
@Missionpilot glad you like it.
@Rickl111_278645 glad you like it.
Great addition to the awesome spool holder for the X1C. Having the locking connectors for the PTFE tubing is fantastic.
@afro_lou_295374 Nice Print
@3DPrints4me Glad you liked it.