your models are so underrated!
Heavily modified to wear as fursuit head as mask, not on top of head. Mask printed in TPU, Eye Plate in PETG, Eyes/Lids/Horns in PLA. Eye level is right below the roof of the mouth. Downside is visibility with closed mouth is very poor but this is not a fault of the mask file. Eyes & Eye Lids are powered by servos, though lids have too much resistance to work as expected. Horns taken from your Angel Dragon model
The head base was printed with TPU, and The base plate for the eye and the eyelids were printed with PLA. The eyes are resin prints. This head base was used to build a puppet for the 2023 Eurofurence Pawpet-Show - the ears were not used.
@Ketters I guess you want to use the head on top of your head - that'll work. This head base was not designed to be worn as a normal fursuit head - the eyes are too far apart to see out of them. 150% seems small (I have a small head and would rescale it to at least 175% for fursuit size).
The baseplate is already to-scale (for puppet size). If you scale it up the wall thickness gets thicker - so it should not matter if you print it in other materials (like PLA).
@Tioh Sounds right on size. I'm still experimenting and 150% was the largest I could go without having to chop the head into smaller pieces. I was thinking about cutting a couple places on the snout for mesh to see out of and trim the internal base/plates as needed to fit a head. But it's only a theory if that'd work. I'd like to try wearing it normally if possible but time and testing will tell.
Thanks for your swift response and feedback!
works nicely for my banaboat sun screen
easy to print and does the job
@Tioh : just one little detail: the hole for the outlet is not exactly centered so the left side (looking from the front) gets a little cut-out when slicing (depending on the wall thickness parameters) sill works though
Used this model to test printer settings for arched and pointy objects. Printed well except for the pointy bit. Back to printer recalibration. Thank you for the model.
This was the perfect piece to round out the top of the gnome I'm making. I stopped the print short as I didn't need the top part, but it printed perfectly! Thank you for sharing!
Can this be used on the fantasy crow puppet?
@LadyPotat_818773 It was not made to fit that head base.
where is the eyeballs
@IkizlerErtap_2533108 You can use these: or 4cm diameter ping pong balls
Printed with TPU filament - the main part of the head and the lower jaw were printed without supports. I had to add a support structure to print the ears and nose.
I need a fake blink outdoor cam to put inside this case, could someone help me