Why do I have a 2 story mouse house in my room? I'm not sure. Anyway, super cute mouse door, love it!

Why do I have a 2 story mouse house in my room? I'm not sure. Anyway, super cute mouse door, love it!
Really cute! Printed in clear PETG to give a milk bottle look to it. The small one is at 100% and the larger one is 150%.
@larisheva Aw they're super cute 😊
@Leeprechaum Super cute 🤩
These would be super cool but when I load the STL for the medium cutters they are pretty much flat, literally only 4 layers (at .2mm layer height) tall. What am I missing? - to add, the small and special ones look fine. Just the medium ones which are the ones I really want to print. (edited)
@MarisaT_1455019 Hey, I use UltiMaker Cura to slice my models, and the file looks ok in my preview. Have you tried downloading the .gcode instead of the .stl to see if that works?
@Sylveonika_2115723 unfortunately I can't use that GCode because I have an anycubic Mega S so that code won't work for me. I use Prusa Slicer.
Thanks for sharing your amazing design! Printed with Bambu Labs PLA in Sakura.
@BetsyWeber Your make is super cute :)
@Sylveonika_2115723 thank you! That means a lot to me! I keep looking back at your pics for inspiration - your penmanship is amazing! I love your journal!