S 9
published a new model August 13, 2023 at 3:01 AM
August 13, 2023 at 3:01 AM

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S 9
published a new model July 17, 2023 at 2:28 AM
July 17, 2023 at 2:28 AM

Looks really nice with 0.2mm layer height, you would barely know it's 3d printed.

However, a major flaw (and a minor one):

The major one is that when the box is nearly full, the weight of the dessicant makes the sides bow out slightly, which can release the tabs holding the lid on. I just discovered this the hard way when I went to get a spool from my bin, bumped the dessicant box, and the lid popped off and spilled dessicant everywhere. I was confused until I checked the second box, and saw the bowed out sides.

For the minor flaw, due to the way it's designed, it needs to be printed on end, with the many fine vertical slats, and that makes the print go slowly - the print head has to build up each little column, limiting its speed.. If the door was on one of the large sides, it could be printed a lot more efficiently. Took 6+ hours on a Bambu P1S at 0.2mm.

I was initially super happy with these boxes, but I can't recommend them now. I've reduced the amount of dessicant in them now (about 3/4 full, vs like 95% full), but will probably add tape to the lid to ensure I don't have another spill. (edited)

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