Perfect 👌
Can you do the 6115 plate too?

Looks like there's an error downloading Arm files,
2.Arm - 40580 10cm 45-0.stl and 2.Arm - 75362.3mf
Love the idea of the vertical SSD!
@knightman3D_5530 I can't find issue with the files - but I reuploaded both anyway - I hope that's just temp error on Pritables side. Send me priv screenshot if the issue still occurs
@StawiamKlocki_pl thank you! that fixed whatever was wrong. was able to successfully download.
Would it be possible to get a 2-row, 4 column stand for the 25th Anniversary figures (8 including Maul)? I love that stand, but a raised riser like this would be amazing.
@ytpewpew I will consider this idea in future updates
I've got everything made for the high variant, but I can't tell which way the arms are supposed to go. Inwards or outwards? Pictures attached.
Well for most ships have to be inwards facing arms - but for 10497 it doesn't matter really - it will work both ways
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@Hugo_VI I seen this one and some others, but none was perfect for me. Isn't this awesome that one thing can be made in more than one way? It's better to have more variants to choose from :)