Sortirus 12
published a new model February 1 at 5:01 PM
February 1 at 5:01 PM

Sadly, it does not support campaign sleeves :(

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@Sortirus_659392 I understood - I measured the space in slicer and it was around 67mm. 2mm is not enough :D

@Pomnik_255719 Ahh, so I didn't :D, added new version of small cards holder, 70mm space for cards, so they should fit now. If you decide to print it please let me know if they do, if yes then I will also update large cards holder (to enlarge space for task cards). (edited)

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Sortirus 12 January 18 at 7:20 PM

Hi everyone!

Last week I published insert for Lord of the Rings: Duel, if you didn't see it - check it out here:

Currently I'm working on 2 projects War Chest and The Hunters 1492.

I stopped working on War Chest for a moment because my priority right now is The Hunters, but I don't know what insert will be published first. I'm close to 30 designs, and I would prefer if The Hunters would be my 30th design, but we will see.

What will The Hunters insert feature:
- it will support all expansions and additional dices (and also possibly sculpted dices),
- setup holder - only needed during campaign setup, will hold 5 characters (cubes, minis, decks), map cards, equipment block / unlock tiles,
- 4 player component holders - mostly for saving, will hold character (cubes, minis, decks), equipment, coins and tokens,
- cart components holder - mostly for saving, for tokens,
- large cards holder - for town and road cards, enemy cards, large plot cards, task cards - they will be stored vertically, so it should save a lot of space on the table,
- small cards holder - for small plot cards and enemy action cards,
- holders for minis,
- equipment holder(s?).

It will be a large insert, it will consume a lot of filament, possibly 2kg, as it's a massive game. I want to finish it as soon as possible, so it may be ready in next ~3 weeks.

That's all for today, have a great weekend!


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Sortirus 12
published a new model January 12 at 7:21 PM
January 12 at 7:21 PM

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Sortirus 12 December 30, 2024 at 7:39 PM

Hi everyone!

Today I added insert for Trickerion Big Box! Check it out here:

I reused some of the boxes from the original insert, as I think they're pretty good and I wanted to save some filament. Additionally I would need to add a lot of spacers if I wanted to replace them.

Next inserts:
- Lord of the Rings: Duel - I started designing this insert and I should publish it very soon, as it's an easy one. I think it's needed as in the original there is a lid lift,
- War Chest - insert added to the game is good, ALL IN can be stored inside the base box, but it's very hard to take everything out, I fear that it will be easy to damage the box. I want to fix that,
- The Hunters 1492 - I should receive my copy in January. I don't know yet if I will be able to squeeze War Chest before or after, depends on when this game comes.

I don't know if will post anything else in this year, so just in case - happy new year to everyone!

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Sortirus 12
published a new model December 30, 2024 at 6:49 PM
December 30, 2024 at 6:49 PM

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Sortirus 12
published a new model November 30, 2024 at 7:29 PM
November 30, 2024 at 7:29 PM

Great work, thanks for this insert. The original insert is not that bad, but when it comes to card holder in the bottom of the box, when you sleeve your cards, it is horrible. Pity, I have thicker sleeves so cards don't fit properly into holders (both markets and alcohols). But it is not a mistake of the insert, you wrote about sleeves, but I must ask, could you please make a little bit more space for 80 microns? Because there is a space, just to make narrower wall. Please, that would be amazing.

@volfion_735785 sorry, but unfortunately I don't make versions for other sleeves, unfortunately I don't have time for it and even if I did - I would still need 80 micron sleeves to measure the thickess of each deck.

But I have an idea that you could try:
There is a bit space left in the box, I always try to leave some space. You could try scaling on one axis the holders (with the Voda, Kvasnice, Smes Obilovin holder you would also need to scale down spacer). It will be tight fit, but I think there is like at least 2mm space left, so you could try scaling the holders (on one axis) by 1.6mm, it should give you at least 0.8mm more for cards, so possibly for 2 more cards. (edited)

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Sortirus 12 November 16, 2024 at 9:30 PM

Hi everyone,

well, I didn't think that Court of Progress will come today, but it did, so I checked if it fits and it in fact does! I published the insert for free couple of minutes ago!



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Sortirus 12 November 15, 2024 at 5:40 PM

Hi everyone,

maybe some of you noticed - I published insert for Nucleum few days ago, but for now it's only for my club members. It's because it's still WIP, I'm waiting for Court of Progress to arrive (it will probably on Monday), after that I will check if everything fits and if it does (it should) - I will publish Nucleum for free, probably on Monday or Tuesday.

Today I also received Distilled with all expansions. Base game insert is not bad, I think it also fits expansions, but I think I can improve it a little, so I plan to start working on it tomorrow.

I don't expect that it will be a hard insert, so I will probably finish it in ~2 weeks. After Distilled I will consider creating insert for Trickerion BB, but I'm not sure if it will be needed, we will see. If not, then I will either do an insert for Harrow County or I will work on some club exclusive models or maybe I will update Circadians insert... We will see ;)


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Sortirus 12
published a new model November 10, 2024 at 8:00 PM
November 10, 2024 at 8:00 PM

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Sortirus 12 October 26, 2024 at 10:07 PM

Hi everyone!

I was planning to do in the very near future CoB update. Well... it's almost ready ;). I think I will finish printing it tomorrow, maybe I even post it tomorrow, although safe bet is that I will post it in the next weekend.

It will be approx. 180g lighter! It will require "larger" printer (at least 250mm), but version 1 and version 2 models can be mixed (to lower print bed requirements) + larger models can be easily cut in the slicer.

Main improvements:
- stickers support - in current version hex tiles with stickers barely fit, it's a veeeeery tight fit, in 2nd version there will be around 2.5mm more space for the tiles, hopefully that's enough for all possible stickers thicknesses,
- like I said - ~180g lighter,
- more space for shields and vine bonus tiles,
- a bit more space for workers and coins,
- a bit more space for vine boards.

I also think that I will be able to fit Dice Settlers update before Nucleum - Nucleum is my highest priority and as soon as I receive it - I will start working on it, but Dice Settlers is a very simple game (very simple components), so I think I will finish the update in next 2-3 days. If not - I will finish it after Nucleum.

The last 3 updates in "near" future (probably in the Spring 2025):
- Nemesis - lower filament requirements, remove the need for supports, fit Untold Stories,
- Circadians - I don't know yet if I will even do an update - I want to encorporate faction dashboards into the faction holder, but I don't know if there will be enough space for it,
- ISS Vanguard - probably insert for 2nd box - The Lost Fleet expansion. Maybe I will also revisit base game insert to lower filament requirements.

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Sortirus 12 October 25, 2024 at 5:54 PM

Hi everyone!

Update to Scythe is out! Go check it out!

It's a massive update and massive improvement of setup and teardown! Now you don't need to take anything unnecessary from the box in order to setup the game (for example in previous version you needed to take out multiple holders to get to the holders at the bottom of the insert).

It's also ~300g lighter!

And it has 2 coin, resources holders!

I think it's one of the best updates I have ever done.

Hope you like it!


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Sortirus 12 October 19, 2024 at 7:14 PM

Hello again!

Like I promised - I published today insert for Robinson Crusoe Collector's Edition ALL IN! Go check it out, I think it turned out pretty great!

What's next?
I will surprise probably some of you, because it will be a massive update to Scythe Legendary Box insert! I planned to update it in the next year, but I had few ideas that I wanted to checkout yesterday and in the end - I almost finished everything :D. I still need to print most of it, but I think that I will be able to finish printing in the next week, so probably I will publish the update on next saturday!

So far I think that I won't be able to cut filament requirements, but for sure teardown and setup will be a much easier. I think it's even worth reprinting, if you already have an insert and you play Scythe a lot ;).

Anyway, have a great weekend!


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Sortirus 12
published a new model October 19, 2024 at 5:59 PM
October 19, 2024 at 5:59 PM

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Sortirus 12 October 18, 2024 at 5:13 PM

Hello hello!

Tomorrow I will finish printing Robinson Crusoe CE ALL IN insert! So if everything goes smoothly (and I think only printer failure can stop me) - tomorrow I will post the insert ;).

Regarding setup & teardown - it won't be 100% optimized for everything, I focused mostly on the base game as I played it, but I don't plan to play in the near future the Mystery Tales expansion, so some cards from there may deserve separate holder, but I wasn't able to provide it now.

It's not small insert, but not large either - it will take around 1.2kg of filament. Only 2 levels, so it should be fairly easy to put everything back to the box. And of course, like always, I included multiple holders that you can just take from the box and put on the table ;).

See you tomorrow!


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Sortirus 12 September 28, 2024 at 10:01 PM

Hello everyone!

Today I want to tell you about future exclusive content (for club members).

My inserts are and always will be free (at least that is the current plan). In far future maybe I will post deluxe inserts (that look good, good example is Lost Ruins of Arnak by Unserfamily), but problem here is that most of the times I don't have enough space for any visual deluxification (+ to be honest I don't have skills for that yet).

So currently I'm focusing on board game related upgrades. I posted recently my first exclusive model (which I will be upgrading in following months) - Player Dashboard:

What are my next plans?
- screw in table drawer and shelf - that's something that I'm working on right now for my personal use, but why not share it. I will use it for chargers that are currently on my floor (one for notebook, one for batteries), but probably there will be multiple other use cases,
- holder for drinks, mounted to the table via clamp, to further reduce needed table space when playing board games,
- storage box for 20 Strong - that probably will come when Tanglewoods arrives,
- board game player dashboards - in my current plans there is a dashboard for ISS Vanguard. Player mats are great, but they take a lot of space, so I want to design something that will replace them and reduce needed table space. Long time ago I also worked on Nemesis dashboards, maybe I will revisit this idea if I decide do update Nemesis insert (if you're club member and you want an update - let me know, I will add it to my todo list).

To sum up - I will be posting models mostly oriented on optimizing and organizing space, either table space or general apartment space. If you have an idea and want me to design it - let me know, maybe I will.


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Sortirus 12 September 27, 2024 at 11:39 PM

Hi everyone!

I posted Barrage update, check it out! Now it's ALL IN! I'm very satisfied with it, especially with massively reduced teardown.

So let's talk about next inserts.

I'm pretty satisfied with most of the inserts. The ones that I'm planning to update are insert for Scythe, Circadians and Dice Settlers. I don't plan however to update them soon, probably it's a plan for the next year, I want to first complete below projects (although maybe I will make a break for Scythe or Dice Settlers).

New inserts that will come in next 2-3 months:
- Robinson Crusoe CE ALL IN - I'm starting to work on it in this weekend. I hope that I will finish in October, but this is a massive game, so I don't know yet if I will be able to, so safe bet is November,
- Harrow County - Deluxe, it should arrive in next week or two, so I will probably start working on it after Robinson Crusoe, although I don't know if insert will be needed - the one added to deluxe version looks pretty good,
- Distilled ALL IN - probably after Robinson / Harrow County, I will publish it probably in December,
- The Hunters 1492 - ALL IN, hopefully it arrives this year. I don't know yet if insert will be needed, but probably yes, so I will start working on it after Distilled.

"Far" future:
- Merchants of the Dark Road - I bought ALL IN and I'm waiting for delivery of polish version, probably it will come in Q1 2024,
- Apiary - it's still pretty new board game, new expansion came out few weeks ago (and I don't have it yet, I'm still waiting for info about polish version). I fear that if I do insert - soon new expansion will come out, additionally expansion fits in the base game, so Apiary for now is in my next year plans.

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Sortirus 12
published a new model September 20, 2024 at 4:05 PM
September 20, 2024 at 4:05 PM

Afternoon! Can confirm that the numbers of models needed in the file are correct? I came up with what looks like a lot more pieces than are necessary for the build based on the pictures. Specifically the Clamp Top files.

@Oberman_1438258 Hi! Sorry, I added Clamp_Bottom twice instead of Clamp_Screw_x2.

Everything should be included now, so:
- 2 clamp screws (Clamp_Screw_x2),
- 2 clamp screws tops (Clamp_Screw_Top_x2),
- 1 clamp bottom (Clamp_Bottom)
- 1 clamp top (Clamp_Top_3x_Cards_Resources)
- 2 large screws (Screw_Large_x2)
- 4 small screws (Screw_Small_x4)
- 2 tiles (Tile_Organic_Left and Tile_Organic_Right)
- 2 extensions (Dashboard_Extension_3x_Cards_Resources Right and Left)
- Screwdriver

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Sortirus 12 September 19, 2024 at 9:38 PM

Hi everyone!

Few weeks ago I launched my club here, on printables. It's something like patronite, with perks like:
- access to exclusive models,
- more info about upcoming projects,
- designer posts, conversations - for people who want to design their own inserts,
- commercial licence.

More info and tiers you can find here:
just click "Support & Join Club" on the left ;).

First exclusive model will come this week. I will mostly post accessories and in the future - deluxe inserts. First accessory will be player dashboard, which is in fact a table extension - for everyone that has a small table like me and table hog board games barely fit. It takes 6cm of the table, but it extends the table by ~20cm (and that 6cm on the table is not wasted, there is a space for cards and resources). What's great is that no tools or other things like glue, screws are necessary, everything can be printed (only magnets will come in handy for additional accessories).

So if you want access to exclusive models, more information about upcoming inserts, design process or just want to support me - I will appreciate if you join my club ;).

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Sortirus 12
published a new model July 6, 2024 at 7:43 PM
July 6, 2024 at 7:43 PM

Looks nice!
I can imageine printing the cube shelves without an AMS, but no way I can do that for the counters :(

@varjujan Yeah, unfortunately that will be hard.

You could print them only in 2 colors, for example white and black.

Use painting feature in orcaslicer.

Print all 60 of them on one plate (this will be a looong print).

There will be a lot of filament changes, but thanks to printing all of them on one plate this will be painful, but manageable.

Or you could try painting the numbers. (edited)

This Insert looks awesome! Eclipse is on my list. I will print yours when I get the game. How do you like it?

@Paladine_1939920 It's top 1 along TMB and Cloudspire for me! That's why I didn't look at the filament usage when I was designing this insert :D

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Sortirus 12
published a new model May 17, 2024 at 6:26 PM
May 17, 2024 at 6:26 PM

Wow this looks good! I had a friend print out the insert made by CharlesG, which was very well made but I wasn't a fan of having to cut up the mini trays (I am just terrible at cutting evenly and nicely). I will definitely check out your version and probably try it out once Cruel Frost comes out. But this looks like som seriously good work!

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