all works great i just remixed the clip to make it more compact try to cut down on the rubbing works great so far also i had to drill out the ptfe connectors the filament wouldn't feed thru EASILY until i did that now it better :)
Another outstanding 3d printable idea from Repkord, thank you Pooch!
This was pretty straight forward to replace, I did modify the file for the Prusa XL filament sensor to have 6mm collets and can share them if anyone is interested.
I am currently testing between the stock 4mm tubes on the other extruders and this 6mm tube and I feel significantly less resistance, which should really help with filaments with a rough finish such as PC-CF as well as tricky filaments to load like TPU. My only struggle is the filament seems to get caught on an inside edge of the 6mm connection on the tool head, but I just need to find one with a tapered hole or maybe modify the ones I have with a drill. Overall super happy 😊. (edited)
@Jerrari Please share the sensor change? Wouldnt mind changing out deeper into the system
@SgtPampers_1501766 Absolutely, I uploaded it here
Clever. The two pieces have a slight snap-into-place feel so I’m currently using them without the magnets. Thanks Pooch!
I thought it would be a funny gag to post a make... of the bobble head one you gave me at Open Sauce. So I am!
But I'm also including one I printed in PETG x4 colors to make up for it :) (edited)
Love it!!
Sadly they don't fit on our RepBox 2.5.2 :-( The acrylic is slightly thicker than the distance between the two ridges (outer, inner). And we have printed on slightly less stiff PLA instead of the intended PETG...
I think it could be that Repkord switched to some slightly thicker acrylic with v 2.5.2. This would also explain why it was almost impossible to insert the plugs that were supplied with the Repbox and make them stay in. Here 3/4 of all popped out all by themselves overnight, and they got damaged by the hard acrylic with sharp edges, so the originals deteriorate with every insertion and removal. But sadly these here, although the design looks nice and thorough, wouldn't fit.
I found another plug that does fit by Phil Caruso, look into collections. (edited)
Thank you Repkord. You saved me a lot of time. Two comments:
1. el-box-cover-R2.stl has been replaced by R3
2. PG-assembly-adapter-MK3-R2.stl has an MK4 version that has tighter tolerances. Not sure how much that matters.
@Repkord just a thought but this is so close to being a wall mounted enclosure. Like what if you made a bracket that an IKEA Lack table top could be screwed into to interface with this model or the conduit? Your system is outstanding by the way 👍
Resliced to take advantage of input shaping on the MK4 and had great results on the middle trays. Running into a issue attempting to reslice the outer trays where current version of Prusa slicer is complaining that the tree supports are invalid and will not slice the file though.
Looks and seems to works great! Did a little mod to remove the spring where the hinge is.
Needed the fat man mount to screw on both the reinforcements on the bottom.
Please add them to the standard printed parts that are included.
@Boullie The kits produced now do include them. Had some overlap where the panel cut versions and printed parts didn't fully align. The joys of continuous improvement in fabrication eh? ;) Glad you were able to run a set and get to the latest rev! Thanks for your support and feedback! -Pooch