The wallet printed great, looks good, and the mechanism works great.
My only complaint is there is no way to keep the cards inside. So you have to be careful to always hold your wallet upright or else risk spilling your cards all over the floor. (edited)
I really liked the mechanical aspect of this design. Having printed it I feel there is a lack of tactile feedback in the interlocking mechanism, it doesn't work as well as I hoped. Thanks for sharing.
GuyH, thanks for the feedback. I designed multiple iterations of this puzzle. One of them included more tactility in the inner portion of the puzzle. I found that this made the puzzle easier to solve, so I removed most of the tactility in later versions. Anyway, I have posted the tactile version of the lid under the name "PlanetaryLidTactile." If you do print it, please share your thoughts! Hope this helps :)