i put a spacer for the play around the turbine shaft in the rear frame hole ,and slightly opened the small hole at the off center point very slightly. worked it around a few dozen times and it works smoothly now.
I made this model using your parts and it works fine.. but I had to go and remix some stuff and make adjustments etc. First issue I encountered was the same thang that @stroked66sta_2058163 mentioned about the importing size issue. So I uploaded the fullsize proper STL files etc.
Then I went through and fixed some issues I had during assembly and added a 608 bearing version. Ill include a link that you can look at and see what all adjustments I made etc. Thanks for the fun print though!
@WagZ Thanks for the extra work on the model to fix these issue. I had no issues with the import size but who knows! Also thanks for adding the 608 bearing. I am good with CAD but dont currently have a good version thats not free.
@Psi_ No problem! I actually used tinkercad for all the modifications. Tinker is always overlooked as a useful platform to work on. Its sooooo simple and accessible via any webpage anywhere in the world so thats part of the reason I use it. You can also directly move your tinker models to fusion and fillet,chamfer etc and clean stuff up and then export all for free!
I should have used 4 shells cause the infill bleeds through...
Great design, thanks for sharing
Scaled up to use full XL bed, came out really well. Thanks for sharing!
Great design, thank you! My printer is a little ghetto, but still came out pretty good!
@BrianV_279150 Awesome! Thanks for the print and comment. I was there for a long time. Recently upgraded to MK4.
@Psi_ good choice!
My MUU struggled a bit with the old orange ABS so it didn’t came out as good as I hoped, but still a quite nice model, thanks for sharing!
Hello. Can you please share step files? I want to rotate LP holder 180 degrees to make it not upside down while engraving.