Print went fine with brim. But its not functioning as is should. At least not any way i tried.
Print went fine with brim. But its not functioning as is should. At least not any way i tried.
@morpeus22_2587430 that is very strange, I am sorry you are having trouble but I am happy to try to sort it. Are you using gift wrap ribbon? The kind that you can easily tear along the length? Can you post a photo of the underside where the teeth mesh through?
@bcer960_188737 I just use a small wooden block to press them flush, then push them by hand with a punch (or a phillips screwdriver) - aligning them to start is the trick!
I will try that, thanx
Cool! Yet another nice model!
its a shame that smartphone sizes aren't standardized
Winner with 0 makes. Hmmm...
@PeterH Ah, the enigma deepens! Nothing against you, Peter, or your model—just genuine curiosity here. How does a model with 0 makes (even after month since the release) manage to clinch a contest win? Perhaps it’s not about the printing, but about the concept—the sheer idea of the model is so groundbreaking that physical manifestation feels unnecessary. Or maybe it’s a statement on modern art: the less it’s used, the more profound it becomes. Either way, it’s a fascinating case study in how we measure success in the world of 3D printing. Who needs makes when you’ve got mystery?
@Mr_T Thanks for that! I share your curiosity and am grateful for the forces at play! I "think" that models are printed by the judging panels at least, I hope so.
I think that some "engagement" is required, but I don't know how one actually asks for makes to be published. If you have a thought please let me know. I have just checked, and I have 22 models with more downloads than this one, some have just one make. Curious!
thats really cool idea.
but the stl itself doesnt come in right orientation its crooked (edited)
Printed in petg 0,65mm extrusion width, it's a nice funnel with a good selection of dimensions, good photo and documentation!!
Printed in PETG @ .5 with .8 nozzle. Still look great, especially for camping! GREAT IDEA. Love how they snap together.
Exactly what I was looking for! There is no need to bring a whole bar of soap even if you are traveling for a few weeks. Was gonna design something like this myself, but why would I when this model exists!
@AlpcaBuilds_211133 Happy Trails!
Neat! Always appreciate seeing your designs Peter. Cheers!
Hi, is it posible to get a Step file from the base to build another holder for another switches? Greets Stefan
@TristanHill_1829905 bro plays monopoly
Works like it should, I could only print at 70% size cause I got a BIBO 2 but its still works like a charm