Snadný tisk

Nice colors ! Thanks for the rating.
I printed a few of these for a local fundraiser, so having them all on labeled runners was very convenient.
@vkobz_2413996 This was also why I changed the labels, not to mix plates. Thanks for the rating.
@klemikaze_271103 Thanks for the rating. Have fun.
I think its just me, my bedslinger printer is not printing it correctly
@PapaYankee are all the parts supposed to be printed on a 220*220 print bed at once? The first layer is not printing correctly. Is it because bedslinger printers are not the best quality? Thanks for your quick reply btw. I use the Anycubic Kobra 2 Pro (edited)
@KaesarthePol_2656885 I quite doubt all the parts would fit at once on a 220*220 bed. You'll be better off printing the four files separately.
Thanks for the improved models, they work pretty great! Would be even better if there was more of a clicky press-fit for the labels, so I would be able to skip the glue.
Nevertheless I printed a set of these as a housewarming gift which was well received. I exchanged one of the cat figurines with "Fred The Frog" by Xed.
@ntnt Hello. I made a new version (V4), not a clicky-press-plate but a gliding slot one.
Thanks for the rating.
A small 3x3 nuts and bolts box. One plate, one lid, two side locks, one handle.
Nice, but need some modification for the plate part.
The middle hook is a bit difficult to print.
I have to modify it to increase the surface area of support material.
Yes. This is a great solution. I faced the same problem. Very good.
I will now do this option.
Thanks for sharing.
@AndreyOrlov Your remixed crank is a nice enhancement to the spool winder. Happy to contribute somehow.
If you want more bin then 12, then the rails will fail!
@IstvanPinter_1894100 Hmmm. That's weird. I'm pretty sure I did print some 14 or 15-bins wheel a long time ago, but you are right, it does not work. I just uploaded a new version that should be better. Note that I did not test it by printing something, so be cautious before printing tens of it !