printed only the bullet and glued it to an old cartidge
I Made two of these they both ended up coming out a little bit rough but I blame that on my printer and my inexperience however these did make some cool little keychains the first one was a little loose the second one was really tight I glued both of them in some spent casings I had laying around let's see how long they last
@superEGElord_1528572 Thanks for the make!
Apparently switching from Arachne to classic might help with the 'tip', but I can't say I've seen it bubble like yours; that is a bit strange. It might be filament related, but not really sure.
@OtakuMx it may be filament related or because I was using a cloud slicer on my phone because I didn't have access a laptop I usually use cura it might be different if I slice it using that and it ended up working and I was surprised it printed at all the first print had bet adhesion issues and it ended up coming off the print bed so I stopped to print and just put some glue stick on there and it worked out fine usually for something like this I would put a raft on there since it's such a small file I'd probably want to get as much bed adhesion as I can get but the slicer was so bare Bones you couldn't really edit anything looks like something you would give a kid
Plus when I got my printer I found my printer is slightly unbalanced ended up sticking a magazine under one of the little leg things on the bottom and it seems to have helped but I don't know it's always been a little off balance but idk
You said it might be a filament issue? I haven't really seen any issues with the filament it's just creality pla+I haven't had it was mainly printer problems that I was able to fix later though this spool has been an open air for a while (edited)
I like it! plenty of adjustment, and I love that it just slips on and off, but stays in place during printing. Printed in black Elegoo PLA.
@Lone_Wave Glad to hear you like it!