Prusa MINI / MINI+Creality Ender 3Creality CR-10SCreality CR-10 SmartElegoo Neptune 2
Obico is the all-in-one. open-source, smart 3D printing platform. With Obico, you can monitor and control your 3D printer from anywhere in the world from any device for free. Obico is the successor of The Spaghetti Detective. Make your 3D printer smart with Obico!
With Obico, you can get:
■ Webcam Streaming: Check in on your 3D prints in real-time from anywhere with high-quality webcam streaming
■ 3D Printer Remote Control: Start, stop, pause, and control every aspect of your 3D printer from anywhere
■ AI Failure Detection: AI failure detection keeps an eye on your prints and pauses them when a failure occurs.
■ Full OctoPrint Remote Access: Access the OctoPrint interface from anywhere to access OctoPrint’s full set of features securely without using a VPN or port forwarding
■ Full Mainsail and Fluidd Remote Access: Access your Mainsail and Fluidd connected printer running Klipper firmware remotely from anywhere without using a VPN or port forwarding
■ Live Stream Sharing: Securely share your 3D printer's live stream with your friends so they can watch your creations come to life.
■ Obico is 100% Open Source: Obico is 100% open-source software registered under the AGPLV3 software license.
Get started with Obico Cloud (1st printer free) or self-host your own Obico server!