
Printed one of the new models, The vertical one. Came out quite nice. The flat spot on the bottom is a little unfortunate but that's okay. Printed with a brim to help it stand up. Really appreciate the authors. Quick response. Thanks!!
I think I'll try printing another one that is the split edition and see what it looks like in rainbow.
@MsPlanlos what if it's the non-flat bottom and printed with a raft? will this work to preserve the rounded base while keeping it upright? thanks im printing mine right now in green!
@Pittsburgh3d_2488096 Maybe your idea would work, yes! I can upload the pickle with no flat sides if you are interested and want to test it out! (:
Used the vertical one printed as a guide to figure out how to align the original model and have the rainbow work out.
To do this I made 2 copies of the model , spun one upside down and aligned them as shown so all the bits are lined up looking from x-axis. This worked out and now I have two pickles!
@Thurbeb_357596 awesome that you made it work! Looks great! (:
Printed in ASA, gives a nice shiny finish to the heart with acetone smoothing.
The hole is however on the wider end for the suggested 6x3mm magnet, it should be tighter to hold the magnet in place. I had to fill the hole with hot glue and put the magnet in after printing. (edited)
They turned out so cute! Love the shiny finish!