Came together well! Had to try a second time because I screwed up the second pause. Utility knife to the bottom layer will let you pull out the magnets you used if you need to do it again. Also you need 2 sets of the magnets from amazon. Overall it closes nice and feels really sturdy and heavy with the magnets in it.
Simple and easy to print. I did not read the instructions before printing and I did not measure my phone, and it doesn't fit with the case on (no strikes against the model though).
FYI It looks like the back plate is actually backwards. The logo should get hidden and that will allow the fillet to come away from where it is mounted.
@MrJamin oh.... hahaha well I glued it in because I tried too hard to press it in and it broke a bit. I'll have to give it a reprint at somepoint. For now it's working well though! (edited)
@AustinBaldiwi_401712 it fit all my kids’ sized water bottles just fine, except for one steel insulated bottle. I was skeptical too but they almost all fit. I think off hand the diameter of the cup holder is 76mm(?)
Overall a nice model. Tough to print in ABS for my setup, even with an enclosure and 47C chamber temp… but after a few tries it finally printed! I wish the arm/bracket part was a bit more thick as it seems a little fragile. Printed 0.6mm nozzle.
@NicholasHann_2052135 update: there for sure is a weak point in this model, mostly unavoidable because of the layer orientation and the stresses in the bracket if kids lean on it too much. Others may have more luck but this one broke.
Works great, fits great, looks great, the strength is great! Overall solid design! I can’t believe I’m the first make?! Printed in Prusament PETG with supports. Thanks!
all worked perfectly and the model was well done. the only thing I would adjust is making assembly instructions in the details. other than that, it is a very good, sturdy, detailed model. thank you!!!
Finally finished painting last night, and took to a con today. I'm very happy with how it came out and it was a big hit.
Assembly was pretty smooth overall. I did run into a few fitment issues with the metal alignment rods, but that was a pretty simple fix and I'm fairly certain that was an issue on my end, not the fault of the model.
I used around 2.5 spools of Sunlu PLA.
This was my first larger scale 3D printing project and I had a ton of fun with it.
@MrJamin Thank you! It was time consuming, but you had everything laid out so well it made it pretty straightforward. It was a great call to go with pvc for the barrels and grip rail, it made for such a nice solid base to build off of. The moment when it all came down to having one shot to glue the barrel assembly to the grip assembly may have taken a year off of my life lol
If you ever decide to post any more Halo 3 guns I'll be the first to post a make!