Nice box design. Needed something with the lid secured. This box does excellent job. Thank you.

Nice box design. Needed something with the lid secured. This box does excellent job. Thank you.
@jorritjaap_1051638 Thank you. I'm always happy when someone likes it.
Nice Modell. Had a little bit of stringing. But i think my filament is the cause.
I printed it with ERYONE Silk PLA Black Gold Purple Filament.
Really nice box and saved me from making one myself.
I did wanted a bit bigger. So I scaled it to 150% and 2x M3x25 screws fit good into the lid. Unfortunately I only had big screw caps, so they protrude a bit right now.
Thanks for the model!
I've also created an egg carrier for my egg cooker (see my designs), and I've already tried ASA and "extrudr GreenTec Pro," but it didn't work. Now I've tried PAHT-CF, which can withstand temperatures up to 194°C, and it seems to be working so far. However, PET-CF would resist a bit more heat (205°C).
@MAXimator_413553 Thank you for your advice. I will take this into consideration as soon as a replacement is needed again.
Best regards
Gedruckt mit PC und der empfohlenen Wandstärke, funktioniert super.
Printed with PC and the recommended wall thickness, works great.
I've printed several in PLA and they work great at helping keep my building blocks organized. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for including the fusion file. The STL had some weird pattern on the flat faces and being able to export as STEP files made this so much better. Great design and will be printing a ton of these.
@toyotech_1941642 Thanks for the praise.
Which slicer are you using? It may be the other slicer. I am currently using Prusaslicer 2.7.3.
selbst die kleinste Klemme mit 100mm ist leider zu groß für meine Fenster.Vllt pass ich mir mithilfe der Fusion Datei das ganze an! Aber nette Idee ;) (edited)
bei mir auch ca 94-95mm, der stopper sieht aber schön aus :)
@TanjaSmirnov_1025370 Mittlerweile gibt es schon eine neuere Version. Ich werde demnächst auch Längen ab 90 mm einstellen.
@MarBer dankeschön!