Printed great. The bottom doesn't stay attached unless you are very careful. But that is not really required. 5 stars.
Perfect. Would be nice to have an optional print with holes in the front plate to screw into instead of the magnet option, just a small request but still perfect and very usable!
I like the design, but the emboss at the bottom kinda ruins it. I only noticed when it was finished.
Also, overhangs are tricky to print in vase mode.
Looks spectacular!
Scaled it a little bit to match other vases.
Overhangs might be addressed to make it easier to print flawlessly.
Recently built a LEGO bouquet and just had to print a vase for it. Thanks for the model! :)
Works really well with multicolor fillaments!
Also scales very nicely
turned out great. had to make sure I had power loss recovery off on my Ender 3 V2. but rather then that no issues :) Gratkit black/green silk dual PLA
this was printed in rainbow shift filament but the shift is so slow there is no change in its color X_x I dont think with how small I print things I'll have the shift work right came out bumpy seems the filament is a bit moist need to put it in the dryer and leave it there for a bit once I have the time
Layer height 0,16 on my Creality K1. Fillament Creality CR Green-Blue.
Awesome @BertUK, I'm glad you like them!
love them for holding additional lights for my Macro photography work (edited)