the percent scale to make it 3ft is 333%
bro you have to to scale it up from tiny to be a full length sword will post a review when i'm finished
@Sr72_2252035 sorry for the inconvenience, it was a long time ago when i made this thing ,can you please mention here the scaling % to whoever wants to make it to?
It stuck a little bit to my board... But easy make, did a great job for my Victure action cam. Great job!!
@Bollerofen wow that color combination is awesome ! now i like yours better , i go and buy some spray paints lol:)))
@KatonaEdvard thx :) that is esun pla+ fire engine red and extrudr nx1 black
I don't know what's wrong with this model. But when I threw it into Cura after downloading it, it was simply gigantic. Dear author, correct the dimensions or indicate how much the file should be reduced.
@IgorRadchenk_1874791 hello , sorry for the inconvenience somehow the model was 10 times the original size but i scaled it up corectly and reuploaded the files ,it should be good now :)
@KatonaEdvardWhat would be the right proportion?
@ThorstenEngel_574584 the model its .9 mm tall for fast printing but i think something is off with you re setup because it should be another layer under the numbers :))
Try this out for yourself