I should have had this earlier to cut my insulation more easily.
In addition I insulated my heat accumulator too and measured savings already: https://www.printables.com/de/model/252880-abdeckkappe-zur-isolierung-des-solarspeicher
I should have had this earlier to cut my insulation more easily.
In addition I insulated my heat accumulator too and measured savings already: https://www.printables.com/de/model/252880-abdeckkappe-zur-isolierung-des-solarspeicher
@stritti Nice, good point. I think I have same heat accumulator :-). I also made rubber (flex) cover for temp sensor.
https://twitter.com/isnBlazek/status/1580588017726935041 (edited)
@JiriBlazek_24668 I just beginner. I have never printed flex, but looks really great. I think i could use this for my https://smart-swimmingpool.com/ too. Have you uploaded that model too?