When I imported it into Cura it came up as 3.9mm x 0.9mm x 2.7mm. I assume this is because it was modeled in inches, so I scaled it up 2540%. (edited)
@Pseudomocha_315984 Yup, was modeled in inches. I'll try to remember to add that in the notes next time!
Hiya, just wondering if you have any intention of modifying this for the new Critical Ops cards have have come out. Looking forward to printing this for my partner though, he loves the metal tin :) Thanks for your work on designing this
@Jgb92 heya, any luck? I don't like hounding people for things so no rush if you're busy :)
@Wolfbane_514512 Hey, sorry forgot to reply back to this one. The cards are unfortunately too thick to fit. It might be possible if I re-design the whole thing but that won't be for quite some time.
Nice print and works well even though I dont have the actual tin.