An EXCELLENT solution for storing my 60 ml (2 oz) acrylic paint bottles! (I use Artiste by Docrafts that are 34 mm wide; I think the standard Citadel bottles are also this width.) The wonderful thing about this holder is that the bottles are stored at an angle, which makes every bottle nicely visible and the entire collection transparently arranged. The bottles fit close to each other (see the side view), saving a huge amount of space. Vertically, the holders need to be separated just by 3 half-rows of SKADIS holes; horizontally they can form an infinite row when placed one next to each other. The 4-bottle holder is still small enough to fit on the bed of a Prusa MINI.
The holders hold up to four bottles 34 mm wide and 100 mm tall. Since the full bottles weigh around 80 g each, I printed at least the hooks using some sturdier material like PETG.
The holders were printed using PLA (C-TECH Premium Line, Ivory RAL 1015), the hooks using PETG (same brand and color). (edited)
Fits perfectly