make one for the 82mm filters please!
make one for the 82mm filters please!
Used negative volumes to empty out the inside to try to store my Haida CPL+VND 3-7, though it was a little too thin so I had to go a bit further with the modification (posted as a remix).
I also discovered that without the magnets installed, the case doesn't quite lie flat when closed, but the magnets are able to overcome this and do hold the case closed.
@M1150 Thank you for the feedback <3
I printed all part, it works great. Thank you for sharing!
I'm printing a new set :)
Any chances you've got another awesome design but for bigger that 1/4?
Minimalistic, stackable and surprisingly sturdy! (Printed with a waaay too moist filament ;) )
Looks good, probably going to scale up and reprint to fit the brushes a little better.
@Bosco_401149 Thanks for the feedback :)
Any chance you could upload the f3d file? I would be interested in remixing this model with some basic labels for each bin.
fits my pinecil very well, as well as my excess solder that isn't on my solder scroll!
Very well designed!
Thanks for this model! I printed five of these in PETG. Slightly scaled down the 15mm version in X to fit the door. Very sturdy, and they look nice, too!