Cool, but the ball joint socket isn't deep enough to clip in fully, I recommend making it deeper with a dremmel or tweak the stl before printing. It limits the elbow a lot, but I wanted to show how it looked as a forearm instead of a hand replacement, I think it looks more natural and symetrical.
It looks really cool, but the jail bars snapped off super easy when removing tree supports. Not to fear, my dice will still not be able to escape for performing poorly. Just wondering if easier way to remove supports without risking breaking the bars.
You know, this is one of the rare cases where the presence of the tree supports actually makes it look even cooler. You should consider modeling one that uses those in place of the bars. Just call it Druid themed!
I like this simple stand so much, the majority of my gunpla collection rest on them. I don't have any MS with funnels, so I haven't used that at all. One of my Gundams has a Tactical Arms sword, so I designed and printed a pair of stands for it. The finish has a strange 'fuzzy' effect that I can't seem to remedy in PS and the model doesn't have it so ??? but the only improvement I'd suggest would be to make the MS post lie flat on one side... that may require changing how it's modeled, come to think of it. Getting that post to lay flat on its side is a guessing game.