Nice model! I'd love to see the key caps in wider sizes as well, for things like the Enter, Backspace, Shift, Ctr, Alt, space bar, Etc.
Nice model! I'd love to see the key caps in wider sizes as well, for things like the Enter, Backspace, Shift, Ctr, Alt, space bar, Etc.
Oh, man! I totally forgot about those, thank you for the suggestion.
I will try to publish them as soon as possible.
As I said, I designed those for a small project I am currently working on. I didn't need the other forms, but I am going to publish them in the next few days.
Thank you, and have a nice day!
Fire i tested over 15 settings and that is best. The speed isnt slow but quality is amazing. Good job a lot of better than old prusa settings. Only thing that i will improve is seam. Thank you
Glad that it helped 😊
Actually the speed ended up faster than the Prussa Slicer and some times the quality too!
On the process section, you can find to profiles, one that end up with Standard which is a faster up to 400mm/s with 0.2mm layer height
And another one slower but with a higher quality.
Thanks you for your feedback.
Please consider contacting me if you need any help.
Have a nice day 😊