24 GlennovitS 3D @GlennovitS3D Twisty Multi Clip (strong carabiner snap hook alternative) 366 4.8 711
24 GlennovitS 3D @GlennovitS3D 5 Compact Bit Driver (Premium supporter pack, pocket size screwdriver) 18 0
24 GlennovitS 3D @GlennovitS3D Sliding Pill Box (textured organizer for weekly medication) 1,020 5 3,110
24 GlennovitS 3D @GlennovitS3D Drill Dust Collector (use with or without a vacuum - incl. alignment marks) 285 4.8 656
24 GlennovitS 3D @GlennovitS3D Weekly Pill Organizer (print-in-place box with snap-to-fit lid) 142 4.9 806
24 GlennovitS 3D @GlennovitS3D Tilted Desktop Organizer (minimal, modern and colorful storage) 334 5 546