Excellent snug fit round the display. Can't figure out the buttons on the side, they didn't seem to move and have snapped one off by accident already.

Excellent snug fit round the display. Can't figure out the buttons on the side, they didn't seem to move and have snapped one off by accident already.
Is there a specific color scheme for the plate and symbols ? Just got the Seal and would also like to table scan
and maybe you have an stl? my slice doesn't align the alphabet to the plate.... (edited)
Schönes Modell aber sehr Tricky im Slicer die Buchstaben auf die richtige Höhe zu bringen. Durchmesser ist 20cm
Sunlu PLA META, 0,12 Layer, 0,4 Nozel, BambuLab X1C
3MF für BambuStudio gerne auf Anfrage (edited)
Night and difference to the stability of my bed. The printer now retains my Z offset after every print. HIGHLY recommended mod for the KP3S.
@DrFate09_295093 Thanks Buddy!, glad it works for you as well :)
More useful than people realize! Instantly saw a difference in rpint quality, not to mention it looks dope!
I had to use a 3D Pen to extrude a cap on top since the rod was too loose for my bearing - pun intended 😅
Awesome idea! (edited)
Awesome, do you know if the buttons used on the Odin are the same for the Odin 2?
I have it hovering above my desktop at home and simply love to look at the deLorean in different specs while working!
how does this attach to the delorean please?
@JonathanCottr_846852 there is a technic bar under the delorean and the two pins you add to the 3d print slot into this bar
thanks for this extra fitting its perfect now