Came out super nice! I had to switch to PrusaSlicer for this instead of Cura that I'm used to, Cura was not generating any infill and kept giving big glob errors because it was trying to fill a rectangle in over nothing. But once switched over to PrusaSlicer everything was great. Took about 38 hours for the base and the lid. Lid fits on super nice, I would say almost air tight as was mentioned in the description, but theres no trouble at all getting it on. I love the angled design of the lid, and I will totally print more in the future for myself and also my family. Thanks for the print, really love this one!!

I made one, it does not fit the Playmates brand of communicator. That one is wider than this stand and does not account for the belt clip on the back.
@Revguy_1030285 Sorry about that. I designed this for someone else and am not sure which version of the communicator he has.
I changed the orientation, added color changes and support for a picture perfect print. Thank you for designing this, I've wanted a display stand for my calculator, clock, recorder, communicator for over twenty years.