Absolutely love this! Scaled down to 85% to fit the prusa mini bed. PLA. No supports. Took cca 12 hours. Amazing! 💎

Absolutely love this! Scaled down to 85% to fit the prusa mini bed. PLA. No supports. Took cca 12 hours. Amazing! 💎
Just perfect! Printed at 93% to fit the prusa mini bed, and 5% infill. PLA. Added manual paint on supports. All great!
150% Scale on the FLSUN T1 PRO
HS-PLA Grey by Kingroon
A model so nice you gotta print it twice.
Once in at .3mm Layers in 7 hours 12min.
Then again at .16mm Layers at 16hours 2min.
No supports worked so well.
FDM printed really well and finished on the first try. PLA with tree supports. The details came out great. Gave it as a gift and they are very excited to paint it!
printed flawlessly, eastman prints are knocking it out the park once again
Printed half scale at 0.12 mm layers with Elegoo matte pla in gray.
Model is Great. Power Outage caused a layer bulge but otherwise Beautiful Print in PLA+ Green. No supporting needed. I plan on Painting it.
150% Scaled
.24mm Layer
10% Support Cubic
3 Walls 4 Tops 3 Bottoms
220c Nozzle
60c Bed (edited)
do you plan to make more star trek crew ? Kirk and Riker for set with Picard and Spock
Great model, very detailed.
I took the liberty of making a small change, I just added the Vulcan salute to the base.
Printed on Creality Ender 3 Pro at .16MM Layer Height. Sanded then painted with Spaz Stix Airbrush Kit. (edited)
Such a highly detailed model! Printed at 0.12 mm layer height with Elegoo matte gray pla. (edited)
Resin version printed at .07 layer height on the Caribou Duet 420 LGX. Texture and detail outstanding as always. Most Iconic hero, ever.
Printed the high detail resin files at .12 fdm layers in ABS and it came out beautifully. No supports needed. The detail in this model is fantastic, the vein on her arm, her hair!
.12 layer height
Silver ABS
3 perimeters
Concentric solid infill (to discourage warping on the first few layers)
8% support cubic sparse infill
WOW. An incredible model. The detail in this model is amazing, I printed the resin version but sliced it with a fine layer height and did it on one of my super well tuned old bedslingers, it took a while but I wanted to go slow to get that detail. The filament is galactic grey PLA from 3DFils (their filament is amazing by the way). Excellent work!
Looks like an other amazing model... can't wait to print this one once my printer is back up and running.
I've printed so many of your other models and love everyone of them.
Thanks for all the effort you put into these, so cool 😎
@brandymedia_1525489 I am in a similar situation. I printed a lot of stuff as gifts to my wife. She loved these prints, but then she was done. I ended up giving them to kids in the neighborhood and they loved them.
@botolo86 yeah my wife is sick of me bringing prints home 😂
I just love printing but never know what to do with them once I've looked at them for a bit.
Very Easy Print. Highly Detailed. Came out nice in Elegoo PLA Brown on the Neptune 4 Plus.
2 Walls
4 Bottoms and 6 Tops
.16mm Layers