they dont work
lock noob
they dont work
lock noob
@EON_2632549 butane lighter - real key
heat unlock cool it down.
@sir_miss_alot Melting the jammed lockout key will be favorable. It would melt inside the cylinder and jam the pins further. If you pull out the back portion, the front part will still be inside and hard to reach.
haha, thanks for the Stealthy Companion
3d printed covert companion. love it
Thank you, I've been looking for something like this! (edited)
@aspen_716038 No problem! Please let me know if there is anything I could improve upon regarding this design!
Poor example. OSHA rules state that no one other than the employee who owns the lock may remove it by any means. There are specific rules the employer has to go by to remove a lock when the employee cant be reached. To do otherwise is justification for termination. I have seen it happen. Please dont infer its ok to pick a lockout padlock.
Nowhere does it say that people should attempt tp pick a LOTO lock. Perhaps people also shouldnt print 3D box cutters as they may slit there wrists with it. Wise up.
@DufusMcTavis_2822855 meanwhile a LOTO as the lock featured in the main picture. Literally any other lock would be a better example. It doesn’t *say* to pick one, but it’s implied.
Works flawlessly! Decoded some locks just for fun, made my wife change the combination. Super!
Really nice and helpful print. Printed with no issues or problem. Great model. Printed on Bambu Lab P1S.
Easy print.
I printed mine out of PETG, which is the wrong material for these picks. Definitely go with PLA or PLA+ or the PLA fiber variants.
@LucaDelledon_2069960 This is not true. PLA is stronger. For the same amount of material, PLA can withstand more force. This misconception comes from the fact that although PLA is stronger, it is more brittle. When PLA breaks, it snaps with little warning. PETG is what most would call tougher than PLA because it has some flex to it. PLA does have worse impact strength than PETG, but PETG doesn't have great impact strength either. ASA is better for that. For a clear explanation and test of this see this cnc kitchen article from 5 years ago (edited)
@GeorgeBobeck_1899617 PETG is not stronger than PLA, please see this CNC kitchen article and accompanied video or my comment to Luca
Is this legal?😭
@GruiaYT_2548266 depends on your local jurisdiction! lockpicks are perfectly legal in lots of places, especially if e.g. you aren't bringing them with you when you go do burglaries (which... don't burglarize places anyway)
@nfd_775158 Yeah, I agree! Thank you for the clarification.
Quick and easy print.
Theoretically, this printed pick could be usable if printed with the proper filament and techniques.
That's right!
This pick will probably work with pins with less spring tension too.
The hook length could be decreased for increased rigidity. (will reupload)
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