Niederösterreich, Austria
When you want properly working models, which were designed for 3d-printing without the need for supports (whenever possible), you go for DeSteiner! (previously known as Steiner3D)
As an Engineer, you learn to design the basic technical stuff in school, but you never get to hold these things in your hands. That changed when I got my Prusa i3 Mk2 in 4th year of college. It was a dream come true! But I was sticking with basic objects, nothing complicated. Then in 5th year, I started my diploma project with my best friend and we split the work. He did all the electrical and software tech, and I designed the mechanical side and calculated all the forces and hydraulics. Back then I had NO IDEA how this would influence me. I truly found my passion right there. The last technical drawing of the project I finished, was the explosion diagram. I simply love how these drawings look, there are just too many details to focus on. Since then, whenever I create a complex model, I also create the apropriate explosion diagram, which I am collecting all on my bedroom wall next to each other. That is my kind of art.
Anyways, thanks for printing my models and have fun with them!