Work like a charm!

I may be dump, but.... what is the point of mounting multiboard to wonderwall? Or... why use wonderwall underneath it?
@Vekados_587883 It allows for things like this:
@DavidD Hello David,
thanks for the explanation. I will consider it after moving.
Hi, I'm trying to understand what Womderwall actually is. I mean Multiboard can be connected to the wall, so why Wonderwall if I may ask? :)
@Johan501 Wonderwall it to allow the multiboard to be integrated into a wall setup that looks nice. Next to things like light panels or even things like HSW.
See this teaser for example: Wonderwall Teaser
It basically solves the “Would you use that in your living room” issue 😂
@DavidD ah yeah now I get it. Thanks for the explanation! :)
Thank you, sir! I am glad to see the idea of #multiconnect get a broader audience, even if #multipoint isn't directly compatible. These will certainly help, thanks for all you do!
It doesn't seem to show up in the STL preview here, but in the slicer, it seems like there are breaks between the sections on all multislot parts that have the extra easy removal cutouts? There are *very* fine lines that show in the Bambu slicer (pic 1), but they seem to be greatly exaggerated if you bring them into TinkerCad to merge onto another model. This one for instance: Multiconnect v2_EXAMPLE 2x Embed Back.stl if you look at the attached preview (pic 2), you'll see. I noticed this in the other models, too, with the "multiconnect_connector-back-quick-change-v2.stl" file. I'm sure it's basically a TinkerCad error, but something about the way the pieces are welded together seems to make it pretty unhappy. Is it possible to meld them together in a way that doesn't produce these? It actually became problematic to the point where a recent model I tried to make needed supports. (See pic #3)
Note these are straight imports... the middle photo's part was not modified in any way, although the third photo had the bottom trimmed off (that's all). (edited)
What would be really helpful is a little bit of clarification on what each part is and why it's there. What does "RAW" mean to you, for example?
Hi, can you please make a version of this that uses magnets?
Left: multiconnect
Right: flush multiconnect
I had to scale them back in size for them to fit well.