I will attempt to print this. It is currently broken, I had to remesh it to fix it which was the first red flag. It is AI generated. He used CGDream AI Image Generator. Look up Haiz666 online. You will see that his other works are low poly AI generated. Even his descriptions are AI generated. (edited)
I see a model you imported into 4D. Show me your polywork of the Valentine model you supposedly created in 4D and I want to see your timeline. Oh and I have seen your other AI creations. There is nothing wrong with having AI models on Printables. But posting them in the contests is prohibited.
@MichaelHathaway I just wanted to clear up some things about the Valentine model. I’ve made it completely from scratch using cinema 4d and I’ve shared some work-in-progress pics to show how I did it. I’m honestly a bit surprised by the accusation since I’ve never used any ai tool to generate any 3d model. I get that AI-generated models are a concern, but I can assure you that everything I post is my own work. It’s kind of disappointing when that gets questioned, especially when I’ve put a lot of effort into this. If you have any questions about how I made it, feel free to reach out! I’m always open to feedback, but I’d appreciate it if we could keep things constructive.
@wafflecart AI? I'll take this as a compliment. But this design is entirely my own work, not AI-generated. Of course, like any 3D model, successful printing depends on the skill of the person using the printer. Maybe you can check out my profile. There are some vases that are easy to print for beginners like you ;)
@DarkHeaven please prove me and the other commenter wrong and show it in modelling software and a successful print?
I’m skeptical because it is very rough and has random artefacts in the top section but the base which is the simplest part is very smooth. All the characteristics of an AI generated model struggling with organic shapes. Did you AI generate the top part and do the bottom yourself? Or maybe you just don’t know how to use the smooth tool in blender/zbrush/nomad?
“Successful printing depends on the skill of the person using the printer” That’s one I’ve not heard in a while. These days printers have got to the point were there is actually no skill needed to print and they mostly just work. The skill lies in a good model that has been modelled, tested, tweaked and confirmed to print well by the designer ;)
Thank you for this model. I printed it with multi filament (Sunlu Silk PLA Gold and Copper). Should edit the model to have blind holes for the alignment pins. Still very nice. :)