I need to put a square peg in a round hole.... Would you be willing to post the CAD file for your humidity adapter? Then I could remix it for these inexpensive zigbee/bluetooth wireless TH sensors that cost just $1.80 on aliexpress (see photo), including free delivery. In that event, I could upload the remix, giving proper credit to you. Much easier than having to reverse engineer it just to do the remix.
I use Fusion360.
By the way, there's a simple phone app that allows you to manage up to 200 of these sensors, so it really is a superior way to monitor the humidity in your dry boxes if you have a lot of them. Just set a humidity tripwire threshold for the sensor, and the app will alert you if ever humidity goes over that. Plus, you get graphs showing trends over time. It's all free and done in the cloud and very easy to set up. Even stores up to 2 years of data for free in case you want to look back. A new datapoint is recorded every hour for each sensor.
Alternately, you can capture the data and import it into Home Assistant, which is what many people do, and then you have no dependency on the Cloud for anything going forward. Home Assistant is free open source software. This approach requires slightly more know-how, but you could always switch over to this at a later date.
These TH sensors cover the full 0%-100% humidity range, whereas many of the cheapo sensors (maybe including the OG sensor that this adapter was made for) can't measure anything less than 10% humidity. Even worse, their accuracy often degrades rapidly with time, especially if they use a DC current to take the measurement, which causes cumulative destruction over time. All this is well known, and you can find it documented all over the internet.
Hopefully, I've given you ample reason to want to do this.
Of course, if you would prefer to do the mod/remix yourself, then by all means please do. As long as *somebody* does it, I'm fine either way. (edited)