Works great! The driver is a little tight but still fits. I added a sleeve for the cheap hot glue gun I have that uses the same batteries. But it's an easy useful print.

Works great! The driver is a little tight but still fits. I added a sleeve for the cheap hot glue gun I have that uses the same batteries. But it's an easy useful print.
@DaveDuJour That's awesome! Thank for posting the pictures and feedback. I'll tweak the model and add a bit more room on the inside for the driver. Hopefully I can find someone with more M18 tools like your hot glue gun and add more models.
@Brett_1201797 The driver has a couple of rubber triangles near the front of the head that rub. It isn't much at all, just a little more friction than the drill. The driver still fits w/o a problem and it will probably feel normal after the plastic or the rubber wear off from use. I don't know that it's worth changing the prints.
I wanted to print this for my father who has the smaller Milwaukee drill/hammer drill. The design seemed a bit over-engineered and I wanted to take some material out of the print and to reduce the print time a little so I made some changes...
- I made the "top" portions thinner (I left the outer sections thicker than the inner section)
- I made the side supports a bit thinner
- I added a hole on the "back" part of the mount where the chuck would be
- I added an additional hole in the middle section somewhere near where the bulk of the weight would be... just to help a little in case it sags over time
I printed with cubic infill and infill line distance of 5 or 6 mm. (edited)