Hallo, ich bin sehr interessiert am Modell. Kannst du auch eine zusammengefügte Version hochladen?
@BloodyT Ja, das wäre perfekt. Eine Farbe würde reichen
@Vincent_2223035 hab ein neues Modell hinzugefügt. Der Spat als ein Stück.
Where die you get the Module with the electricity and refill water ?
@Noxx_583589 thats basically just a 2-way Module (in the stls of the tower) instead of a 3 for the plans...
for the caps - the filling cap is in the stls of the tower and the electricity is a remix
i remixed them as well, to have the logo flush (to be able to print them upsidedown) with mmu. only need to change color the first couple layers.
if you are interested in that, i can upload them if i have some spare time the next few days
printed perfectly with Voxel PETG+ and Overture PETG.
Very pleased with the fit and finish.
Printed each half on different MK4 with input shaping and 0.6mm nozzle.
Was a little worried about thread resolution so I used variable layer height to print the top threads at 0.15mm and 0.25mm for the base. For the nut, I just went with 0.20mm for the whole thing.
Threads were very smooth!
Exactly what I needed. (edited)